Love and Horror (and Word Count Updates)
Post date: 07-May-2019 01:39:03
I do yet live!
The post-apocalyptic novel temporarily stuttered out at 27,000 words, so I decided to write a collection of love-themed horror stories in the interim. And they are going fantastically. I am very excited about this.
In the space of a few short weeks, I have penned 17,000 words of these short stories, and I am quite happy with them so far. It's a bit more my speed to write several shorter works anyway (see RTA and the like), and writing these little grotesque things is great practice for when I inevitably return to drafting the novel.
This is the first time I've experienced characters basically writing themselves. I'd never understood what writers meant by letting your characters react to their situations and surroundings, but I'm catching a glimpse of it now.
Anyway, writing is still going strong! I'm hoping to have the collection finished within the next two or three months. Wish me luck, peace!