It's Been A Minute
Post date: 27-Jun-2018 22:48:45
Woah! I hadn't realized how long it's been since my last update. Sorry about that! Here goes!
I appreciate you guys coming out of the woodwork with me to check out what I've been up to. If you're behind, it's fairly straightforward:
New album singles are coming out ahead of the new record's official release.
Started a new show called Retro Rant dedicated to playing 20 year old games and ranting about shit.
Still working on the podcast with another fine gentleman about philosophy and society and different kinds of whatnot.
I'm late beginning on my next game development. I have no excuse for this.
Most recently, though, you can check out my Retro Rant about the recent immigrant children crisis, human rights, and space force (as I blunder through Rayman 2: The Great Escape). Also, the first new single from my upcoming album is primed for listening as well. Here's some links:
Retro Rant Rayman 2:
First new single "Fenrir" (with lyrics):
The next new single comes out on the 30th, and I'm crazy excited to share it. Might even land a day early? Probably will.
Anyway, I still have a ton of new content to create and share this year, so sike and lubscribe! Peace!