RTA Is Almost Here!

Post date: 28-Aug-2015 01:15:06

With the release of (ab)Useful out of the way (which is going great so far, thanks everyone! What an awesome birthday gift!), I'm excited to turn my full attention back to RTA Season 3! Three out of four of the final episodes are complete, and I will do my best on the final episode before releasing them all for you guys. Episode 34 will be the longest episode of RTA I've ever released, so I want to make it special. It's been incredible fun revisiting old characters and referencing old plot points this season, and what I've got planned next should be even more fun. The secret project won't be a secret for much longer, and I really hope it's something you all will be interested in. Now, you know me, and so do I, so it's safe to suppose that this new project will take a long time to complete, but at least I'm up front about that this time! The current estimated time-to-completion is 18 - 24 months from now, so expect tons of updates and an interesting journey as the project develops. I'll probably release a 3rd album during this time as well.

I'm being pretty secretive about the project, but timing the reveal is important. Here's a hint, though. I wear many hats in the creative world. One of my lifelong goals has been to create and publicly release at least one of every kind of creative project that I like (this excludes, like, statues and paintings or whatever. I'm not good with visual arts). Toward that end I consider myself fairly successful. I've released two full length albums and several one-off songs, released hundreds of videos, and published a number of short stories and poems over the years (small press, not online). So, what new realm is there for me to conquer? A few gents have made good guesses (a new video series or a twitch livestream), but it's something else. So, here's the hint: this new project will require every single one of the skills I've honed the past 10 years (plus a few other skills I'm having to cultivate on the fly!). It is by far the most ambitious project I've ever undertaken, and I aim to see it through to the end no matter how long it takes. That's the only hint I've got for now. Peace!